Intelligent Airport Pick-Up Luggage Cart

--An airport cart that optimises the pick-up experience
Intelligent Airport Pick-Up Luggage Cart --An airport luggage cart that optimises the pick-up experience This product is designed to improve the airport pickup experience, optimizing efficiency for both pick up person and the picked up person. With automated navigation and personalized identification on the luggage cart, it helps both of them locate each other quickly and seamlessly.
Time: 2021
Project Types: Integrated Industrial Design
Designer: Cris Lei

Intelligent Airport Pick-Up Luggage Cart

--An airport cart that optimises the pick-up experience
Intelligent Airport Pick-Up Luggage Cart --An airport luggage cart that optimises the pick-up experience This product is designed to improve the airport pickup experience, optimizing efficiency for both pick up person and the picked up person. With automated navigation and personalized identification on the luggage cart, it helps both of them locate each other quickly and seamlessly.
Time: 2021
Project Types: Integrated Industrial Design
Designer: Cris Lei

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