
--Emotion Education Toys for Autistic Children
Autistic children struggle to understand the complex world of emotion in their everyday lives leading to frustration and social anxiety. Emookie is a product designed to teach children to understand people's emotions. The modular design's appealing sensory surfaces enclose a sensitive camera for capturing expressions. It analyses expressions in real-time and generates feedback through gentle vibrations and LED color. The app, using the captured image, educates the kids to recognize emotions through gamification. Engaging with Emookie provides a pleasant and comfortable engagement, encouraging the development of socio-emotional skills.
Time: 2025
Project Types: Integrated Industrial Design
Designer: Cris Lei, Anusha Bhalgat


--Emotion Education Toys for Autistic Children
Autistic children struggle to understand the complex world of emotion in their everyday lives leading to frustration and social anxiety. Emookie is a product designed to teach children to understand people's emotions. The modular design's appealing sensory surfaces enclose a sensitive camera for capturing expressions. It analyses expressions in real-time and generates feedback through gentle vibrations and LED color. The app, using the captured image, educates the kids to recognize emotions through gamification. Engaging with Emookie provides a pleasant and comfortable engagement, encouraging the development of socio-emotional skills.
Time: 2025
Project Types: Integrated Industrial Design
Designer: Cris Lei, Anusha Bhalgat

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